Paragon | Teen Ink


January 17, 2017
By Anonymous

Welcome to the world of Paragon! Paragon is an online MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena). This game consists of 36 different heros at the moment. A person enters a match from the home screen where it is possible to play a solo match versus AI (Artificial Intelligence), a Co-op match versus AI, or at level five an online match versus other players. The game consists through two platforms a PC and a PS4. At the moment Paragon is in the open Beta stage and is still being manufactured.

In Paragon, there is one purpose and that is to defeat the other teams core. This is achieved by taking out the opposite teams towers and inhibitors. There are three lanes in the game in which the player can alternate, either by traveling through what is called the forest or teleporting back to base. In each lane the player has their friendly inhibitors and towers in which they defend, they also have the enemies inhibitors and towers in which they try to destroy. The easiest ways to take down the enemies core is to team up on one lane and attack it. At the start of the game, until about level seven, the player levels up every time you play a round. After that, easy ways to level up are assisting your teammates in battle, defeating the enemy teams minions, and building harvesters. The players team and the enemies team have minions. Minions help attack towers and inhibitors, and also protect the player from enemies. Players have the choice to build harvesters which collect XP and card points. Each round the player can choose cards which range from regaining health faster to making their hit damage and movement speed improve.

Heroes are a big part of the game. The heroes are broken up into six categories, fighter, assassin, caster, tank, support, and ranger. Fighters carry one to two close range weapons and usually have specials that either regenerate their health or give them a powerful move that makes the enemies health drop. Assassins carry dual wielding swords and are able to teleport or disappear and sneak up on their enemy, their specials are usually finishing moves that allow them to teleport across the map and kill an enemy with low health. Casters have the ability to throw a certain item, cast an item out of their hand at an enemy, or have great accuracy with a weapon such as a gun, casters specials differ between who the player plays as. Tanks fight with weapons such as an axe and a chain and have specials that are very powerful usually used when a player is at half health, this will stun the player letting the tank finish them off. Support protects their teammates by casting spells, there ultimates trap an enemy or stop them from using their weapons for a few seconds. Rangers fire long range weapons and their specials do good damage, but take a few seconds to charge up.

As mentioned earlier, there are many different game modes. During solo versus AI the player is given the opportunity to pick the character they wish to play as. Once in the game there will be AI placed on their own team and on the enemy team. The player can fight as long as they wish and if needed quit the game. During Co-op versus AI the player plays online with players on the thier team versus AI. Again, they are able to pick who they wish to play as. Other than a solo match, the player is expected to play through the full game and will receive a ban warning if they leave it. The ban will not last forever, but after a while will amount to a long span of time. Thus, when the player plays online the same rules apply. Online rounds take a while longer than rounds against AI.

In the end, Paragon consists of many fighting modes and many challenges. The player must be dedicated and have time to play. As mentioned earlier, Paragon is still in the open Beta so it is not fully finished. The player can download it for free on the PS4 and the PC. Paragon is rated T(een) by Entertainment Software Rating Board and contains no blood, but includes minimal violence. 

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