ARMA II on PC/Mac | Teen Ink


June 24, 2013
By joseffbroseff BRONZE, Thompson, Connecticut
joseffbroseff BRONZE, Thompson, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

ARMA 2 is a military simulation game that is well known for its multiplayer and realistic campaign. When I first played this game I was astonished at how realistic the acting was. It felt like I was actually in the military. The campaign goes from Afghanistan to Russia, with a very thrilling plot that made me play the game for hours on end. The first game of the series was ARMA: Armed Assult. ARMA 2 was at first a free to play game with a small single player story and a very underdeveloped multiplayer. A lot of people started to play it which is then when Bohemia Interactive (ARMA Developers) decided to make it a full game which was then released in May of 2009. Later on downloadable content was released for the game which was very successful for the multiplayer. After that a third party developer made a modification to the game known as DayZ. DayZ is a modification where you could play as a survivor from a zombie apocalypse where you would have to collect materials and defend yourself against the undead and many other players in the world. This mod was becoming so popular that it was even more popular then ARMA itself. That modification is now turning into a completely separate game that will be released later this year. I would suggest ARMA 2 to a friend if they enjoy military simulators. All in all ARMA 2 is a game that I would give a ten out of ten.

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