Friends | Teen Ink


May 11, 2016
By adobs BRONZE, Parkland, Florida
adobs BRONZE, Parkland, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Friends is a television show that aired in September 22, 1994 through May 6, 2004 and has ten seasons.  The show is set in New York City and tells a story about eight friends and their lives. Each character experiences different struggles throughout the series between relationships and jobs. But overall the characters are always together creating huge amounts of success even years after they aired.

Room mates Joey Tribbiani(Matt LeBlanc) and Chandler Bing(Matthew Pery) are best friends and live across the hall from Rachel Greene(Jennifer Aniston) and Monica Geller(Courtney Cox).  Ross Geller(David Schwimmer) who is Monica’s brother lives across the street. Phoebe Buffay(Lisa Kudrow) used to live with Monica but moved out because Monica was to bossy. All eight characters are with each other 24/7 either if they are hanging out a Central Perk a coffee shop or one of their appartments.

The first time I watched friends I knew this would be my new favorite show. There is not one episode that doesn’t make me laugh till I cry. I would highly recommend this show to anyone having a bad day or even just because it is so good. The characters all have a different personality but they all compliment each other and I think that is the main reason why the show is so good.

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