The Bad Girls Club review | Teen Ink

The Bad Girls Club review

January 27, 2011
By alondra sarmiento BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
alondra sarmiento BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Bad Girls club is a reality TV show on Oxygen, created by Jonathan Murray and produced by Bunim/Murray productions (the same company that produces the reality series The Real World). This is a very well known show. It’s about a group of girls of different races and backgrounds, who want to change their way of living. They want to change by actually knowing the difference between the good and the bad, by living with other girls that consider themselves “bad”. They live together for 4 months. In those four months there’s violence and what not, their the bad girls club! In the end there’s important lessons learned, and some changes.

I honestly love this show because it’s very intense and entertaining, but I believe this isn’t the best way to learn the bad from the good. These bold, outrageously funny, and endlessly entertaining girls put themselves to a really low level, by not being themselves. As almost every girl mentions, “If you’re not your real self you won’t make it through”. Like a high school experience, there’s too much backstabbing and that’s just not the way to go.

During the season there’s violence, sex, alcohol, NO TRUST, partying, guys, and homosexuality. Many leave or are kicked out, tore up. Like a bomb, they tick and tick until they finally explode, finally coming out as their real selves. I don’t think no one wants to go through this, these girls don’t join to “change”, they just want that tingly feeling of fame. In the end there may be a change, and may not. But still are known as the bad girls. Don’t miss out on the next season, The Bad Girls club Miami!

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