Lemonade by Beyonce | Teen Ink

Lemonade by Beyonce MAG

December 22, 2016
By AJHack BRONZE, Milton, Massachusetts
AJHack BRONZE, Milton, Massachusetts
2 articles 2 photos 0 comments

When her visual album, “Lemonade,” took the world by storm, Beyoncé showed us yet again why she slays. Earlier this year, she released her single “Formation,” marking a new chapter in her career and sparking controversy about her perspective on being African American. She no longer concerns herself with appealing to every mainstream consumer; instead, she boldly forges her own path. “Lemonade” is a strikingly genuine window into Beyoncé’s ethnicity and her precarious relationship with husband, Jay-Z. Her album has countless glowing reviews on iTunes, as expected. But all of Beyoncé’s success got me thinking: What is the secret to her success? What makes her an international sensation? Then, I realized the three defining characteristics that make Beyoncé so popular: her passion, her relatability, and her flawless presentation.
I will forever applaud Beyoncé’s unique ability to strike a balance between usual pop and individualistic masterpieces. Sure, numerous songwriters contribute to her music. However, many of her works stem from an intimate, personal part of her life. Take the song “Blue,” for example, about her immense love for her daughter, Blue Ivy. Her ballad “Pretty Hurts” makes a moving statement about society’s oppressive beauty standards. “Flawless” includes a section of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s Ted Talk, “We Should All Be Feminists.”
Beyoncé fearlessly initiates conversations about a multitude of controversial topics, including race and gender. This is a complicated task, yet she accomplishes it beautifully. In her more commentative songs, many lines gracefully drop mini truth bombs about our society. Occasionally, her lyrics are blunt and remorseless. These are the times that critics rush to reject her music. Fortunately, Beyoncé remains proud and passionate, confidently standing by her music. I am extremely grateful for this powerful woman who instigates critical conversations that we would otherwise avoid.
I have always looked to Beyoncé’s music for rejuvenation after a rough day; she has the distinctive ability to pick me up and remind me that everything is all right. If I feel nostalgic, I listen to “Blue.” If I am feeling carefree, I listen to “XO.” “7/11” always gets me hyped up, no matter the day of the week. Of course, “Formation” is an essential part of my morning, along with “Love on Top.” Whatever my mood, Beyoncé captures my emotions flawlessly.
Scrolling through her body of work, I admire its limitless variety, everything from sentimental to vengeful. This multiplicity ensures that I can find the perfect song any time. But why does Beyoncé’s relatability matter? She gives her listeners a sense of belonging and reminds them that they are not alone. Even though a song may appear insignificant, it can easily become the soundtrack to someone’s life. She constantly encourages, inspires, and empowers us. Think back to a time when one of your favorite songs played over and over in your head. Sure, it may have been a bit irritating, but it probably cheered you up and brightened your day. Beyoncé’s music always does this for me. I treasure the relatability of her music because, like the beat of a song, it guides and grounds me.
Beyoncé, as we all know, is flawless. She woke up flawless. She will always be flawless. Think about it. She is a singer, dancer, model, mother, philanthropist, feminist, and advocate. Pretty impressive. Sure, she is not perfect, but she is pretty close. No matter what we pursue in life, we can look to Beyoncé as a role model. Her flawlessness should be an inspiration to us all.
Now, you may be tired of my obsessing over Beyoncé, but understand that it is with reason. She is a global icon who stands for social change, equality, and unapologetic individuality. Her success is due to her passion, her relatability, and her overall flawlessness. So, I leave you all with this foolproof proverb: Be Beyoncé.

The author's comments:

I have always loved Beyoncé and wanted to convey and explain my appreciation for her in an article. I hope people will read it and understand the beautiful layers of her identity that make her far more than a fabulous singer and performer. 


This article has 2 comments.

on May. 3 2017 at 6:01 pm
8 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
As time passes, things change everyday
But wounds, wounds heal
But scars still remaining the same
But tomorrow today's goin' down in flames
Throw the match. set the past ablaze - Eminem, Beautiful Pain

Great review! I saw her in concert, and I feel like you summarized her artistry better than I could've ever dreamed of doing.

Bebe said...
on Dec. 31 2016 at 9:01 am
Excellent article with so much detail! Yes, Beyoncé does SLAY!