Achtung Baby | Teen Ink

Achtung Baby MAG

By Anonymous

   If you're a U2 fan, be sure to get their new album "Achtung Baby." In my opinion, this is their best album yet. You may have heard of their number one single "Mysterious Ways." Well, if you liked that song, you'll definitely like the rest of the album. Their upcoming concert, entitled the "Zoo Tour," is all based on their new album. The lead singer, Bono, sings a series of great hits. Their upcoming hit entitled "One" is soon to hit the charts. Other songs on the album include: "Zoo Station," "Even Better than the Real Thing," "Until the End of the World," "Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses," "So Cruel," "Tryin' to Throw Your Arms Around the World," "Ultraviolet," and "Love is Blindness." So if you are a U2 fan, be sure not miss out on their new album, "Achtung Baby." n

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i love this so much!