THE MAN by Taylor Swift Review | Teen Ink

THE MAN by Taylor Swift Review

May 15, 2023
By FAIZAM BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
FAIZAM BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 1 comment


Taylor Swift

 “A man does something, it's strategic, a woman does something, it's calculated. A man is allowed to react and a woman can only overreact” we will be exploring this specific quote of Swift through one of her exemplary songs. The Man, the fourth track on Swift's 7th studio album Lover released in 2019 criticizes the traditional patriarchal mentality and double standards women face around the globe. In the song The Man, Taylor Swift points out the double standards that exist in our society regarding gender. The first verse of “The Man'' highlights the gender bias and double standards women face in the music industry. Taylor Swift sings, “ I would be complex, I would be cool” , and “They’d say I played the field before I found someone to commit to.” Here, she speaks about how women who date around are often called derogatory misogynistic slurs such as “sluts”  while men who do the same are praised. Swift is calling out hypocrisy.  She questions why women can’t be as “complex” and “cool” as men without being judged. The song highlights how women are often penalized for being assertive and ambitious, while men are praised for the same traits. The second verse of the song takes a more of a personal approach, with Swift reflecting on her own experiences and the way she has been treated differently in the music industry. She talks about how people are quick to criticize her for speaking out or taking control of her career, while men are often celebrated for the same things. She highlights how women are often reduced to their looks and appearances, while men are judged on their talent and abilities. This theme is reinforced in the bridge, where Swift sings about how women are often labeled as difficult”or “crazy”when they assert their boundaries, while men who do the same are powerful and in control. The song's lyrics are laced with satire and delivered in a catchy pop style, making it both entertaining and thought provoking. Swift employs wordplay and clever references through the song, such as mentioning how men can age like fine wine while women face scrutiny as they grow older.The upbeat tempo  and infectious melody contribute to the song's appeal, making it memorable and easy to sing along with. Through her artistic choices Swift effectively balances her serious subject matter with a lighthearted tone , allowing listeners to engage with the message while enjoying the music . The Man is a powerful anthem that exposes the gender bias and double standards that women face everyday. By using her platform to bring attention to these issues, Swift breaks down patriarchal norms and inspires women to stand up for themselves and their rights. Through her music, Swift is sending a message that it's time for society to acknowledge and address the injustices that women face, and work towards creating equality for everyone. The Man is a powerful critique of the gender norms that limit women's potential and reinforces the need for gender equality in all aspects of life.

The author's comments:

This piece is a music review of the song, The Man by Taylor Swift which is a critique on patriarchy and misogyny.

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