Tell Me You Love Me Review | Teen Ink

Tell Me You Love Me Review

March 16, 2019
By Tioni BRONZE, Canton, Ohio
Tioni BRONZE, Canton, Ohio
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Nothing is impossible, the word itself says, 'I'm possible'!"- Audrey Hepburn

Demetria Devonne Lovato, better known as Demi Lovato, has been one of my favorite female artists for as long as I can remember. The first show I heard of her in was Sonny with a Chance. I watched every episode, and I fell in love with her! Her character “Sonny” was enthusiastic, pretty, and funny. Demi was perfect for that show.

The first movie, and might I add, the best movie I ever saw her in was Camp Rock. Her acting was great, but her voice stood out more. It was so strong, and energetic, and real! She was so talented, and she looked so young! I admired the way she sang her heart out, lyric by lyric. “This is Me” will always be my favorite childhood song of Demi’s, followed up by “Wouldn’t Change a Thing” in Camp Rock 2. 

I’ve followed Demi Lovato’s music throughout the years, and I’ve been even more impressed! Her album “Unbroken” was the first album I heard of hers. It rocked my ears! Other albums of hers, like “Demi” and “Confident” gave me chills and at the same time, made me want to dance! Her most recent album, “Tell Me You Love Me”, left me speechless. Her music just kept getting better and better!

Not long after that, I came across her documentary titled “Demi Lovato: Simply Complicated”. I watched her hour-long video, explaining her life from childhood to now. Words couldn’t describe how shocked I was! I always saw her as an ordinary, pop singer, who was loved unconditionally by everyone, but her documentary told the total opposite. Bullying, drugs, and family issues had really taken a toll on her. I felt a connection between me and her, for I too was home-schooled because of bullying. I knew what that pain felt like. I also knew now that she wasn’t as happy as she seemed to be.

When she sang, I heard the tension in her voice. When she smiled, I saw the pain in her face. But still, Demi amazed me. Whatever she went through, she put it in her music. “Tell Me You Love Me” was powerful, painful, unapologetic, flirtatious, daring, honest, and beautiful, just like her. Every word I heard her say translated to: I’m a survivor!

Almost a year ago, Demi Lovato was hospitalized for her drug addiction, which almost caused her to overdose. She has been to rehab, and on the road to recovery. Even with that, I still love Demi. I’ve also been a supporter of her, and I hope to see her get well. As I’m sure her millions of fans would agree. Her newest song “Sober” is heartbreaking, yet still a banger!

Demi Lovato is more than just an actress, or an artist. She’s an inspiration to many people around the world. She gives girls—like me—hope to make music that's as great as hers.

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