Justice League | Teen Ink

Justice League

May 11, 2018
By MovieReviewer_18 ELITE, Short Hills, New Jersey
MovieReviewer_18 ELITE, Short Hills, New Jersey
678 articles 0 photos 8 comments

 The first superhero movie to include Batman, the Flash, Cyborg, Aquaman, Wonder Woman, and Superman, is Justice League. This movie tries to do what Marvel did with the avengers, by combining multiple movies to provide backstory and then combine them to create a movie about a superhero team. 

 Although the movie has pretty cool graphics and is a good idea, Ben Affleck as Batman was not that great of a performance. And Justice League did not do nearly as good as they were hoping in terms of sales. In fact, this movie will probably set back the DC movie universe from becoming the entertainment power house it wants to be.

 Fortunately, Wonder Woman was such a big success, but if it had not been, then Justice League would be in trouble. Justice League had 2/3 of the entire film explaining the background of the characters, and the ending of the movie is horrible and dumb. 

 Also, the film has mixed tones. One moment it's a comedy, and the next it's a dark, disturbing movie. However, DC lovers will still enjoy this movie, and people who enjoy the actual powers of the characters will be pleased with a few scenes. Although Justice League was a great idea, and has a few good scenes, it did not live up to expectations. Instead of hitting the home run it was set up for, Justice League swung and missed at the box office.

The author's comments:

What happens when Batman wants to form a team?


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