Wonder Woman | Teen Ink

Wonder Woman

April 12, 2018
By Hibahk123 SILVER, New City, New York
Hibahk123 SILVER, New City, New York
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Over the summer I went to the theater and watched a movie- Wonder Woman. It sounds like a childish movie but I really enjoyed it because it was one of the first, popular movies that featured the main character as a woman. I believe that the movie portrayed Wonder Woman as a powerful symbol, who shows that everyone can do it, and not just men/boys. The movie took place during World War 1, and Wonder Woman was the strong being that saved many countries from the dropping of bombs. Having a movie like that creates a role model for many girls, showing that girls can do it, not like what society thinks. The phrase “running like a girl”, is said when someone is weak, however, it can be unjustified because there are many women/girls who are strong and fast. And this movie showed how strong and fast Wonder Woman is. The movie broke the sexist ideas that society has created, and how in many movies- males are the main characters and females are the side or hidden characters. I also believe the actress who played Wonder Woman, Gal Gadot, is like a superhero herself because she served in the military in Israel. She has experienced what it is like fighting for your country, so in the movie, she did a really good job to show her character like her genuine personality. It’s a nice family movie to watch and it gives some knowledge about WW1, which is informative. I would rate this movie with 5 stars, because it took fictional characters and ideas and brought them to life, with a realistic setting of WW1.

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on Jul. 3 2018 at 4:03 pm
wuadbwabdu BRONZE, Wenatchee, Washington
3 articles 0 photos 54 comments

Favorite Quote:
If your reading this your too late - Drake

Like many of the people who commented, I respect your opinion. However, I disagree. It was an extremely suspenseful story and one of my favorites.