Fed Up | Teen Ink

Fed Up

October 18, 2015
By Joshman BRONZE, Indio, California
Joshman BRONZE, Indio, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Imagine if your son or daughter had a heart attack. Seems impossible right, but kids all over the world are getting them as young as 9 years old. The problem is obesity. Now, for the first time ever more people will die from obesity than hunger. The documentary “Fed Up” has changed my life for the better. I am now making smarter choices on what I eat. I will show you my eating habits before I watched this movie and compare it to a healthy diet.

My diet is ok; most of the food I choose is relatively healthy. When I wake up in the morning I have cereal with milk. Then during the day I have a snack which is usual chips and grapes. Then I have lunch and eat a sandwich, more chips, fruit and a yogurt. After school I have a snack which is usual chips or popcorn, and a soda. At dinner I have meat, vegetables and sometimes milk. For dessert I have ice cream or chocolate. Like I said, it’s not a very healthy diet.

A healthy diet is very important because it will help prevent obesity so you can be fit and healthy. Most people don’t know what a healthy diet is. They think that if it says that it has less calories it’s healthy, but that’s not true. Less calories means that there’s more sugar, and sugar is fat. A true healthy diet consists of fruit for breakfast, and milk. For a snack have carrots. For lunch eat a healthy sandwich, fruit and vegetables. Not a fatty pizza and chips. For diner have meat, vegetables and water. And for dessert have some fruit.

My current diet is not healthy for a few reasons. I could make it healthier by replacing chips, candy, pizza, and soda, with fruits, vegetables, meat and water or milk. I will incorporate these foods into my diet by having parents buy and cook healthier products. I will try drinking less soda, eating less sugar treats, and not eat greasy fattening foods. If I can do this, I will be more active, less tired, and fit. I will also be smarter, because good food is brain food.


My diet before I watched “Fed Up” wasn’t too good. But after I learned that I could become obese if I didn’t eat healthy, I changed my eating habits for the better, by eliminating most of the bad foods from my diet, and substituting good food such as fruits and vegetables. It is very important to eat healthy, because if you don’t you could be out-weighing your scale in a matter of months.

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