Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World | Teen Ink

Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World

October 6, 2015
By KieraHardin BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
KieraHardin BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Scott Pilgrim was a comic series, by Bryan Lee O’Malley, about a Canadian named Scott Pilgrim who was in a band and fell in love with a American girl named Ramona Flowers. However, in order to be with her, Scott had to defeat her seven evil exes. The movie, Scott Pilgrim vs The World, was an adaptation of the comic series and came out August 2010. Actor Michael Cera played the leading role, Scott Pilgrim.

This movie was my favorite movie and still is to this day. On the other hand, if I had to choose between the movie and the comic for effective details, I would say the comic. The comic book had a lot more details than the movie. However, I loved the movie more for the action. The special effects that were added to the movie made it interesting to watch and humorous.

The actor who stood out the most to me was Michael Cera, since I had only seen him play goofy movie parts. Seeing him play Scott Pilgrim changed my whole view of him. He played well and acted accordingly to different scenes of the movie. His humor was there for certain moments where it was appropriate as the same time where he had to be serious for those moments. I also liked how he fitted the character and played the role as how the character would act.

What I thought could have been done differently was the ending. Scott and Ramona go to a door to which I assume would be a new world for them. I thought that the ending could’ve been done better by giving a small snip of what happened between Scott and Ramona. I’ve always wondered about what happened next. Since I’ve read the comic, it gave me the idea they still were together. I understand that it was just an adaptation of the comic series, so much detail couldn’t be put into one movie.

Overall, I would rate the movie a 9. As I said before, it was my favorite movie. I loved the action and special effects that kept the attention to watch. I loved Michael Cera playing Scott Pilgrim and keeping the role of the character. Even though the ending could’ve been done better, the movie was still well-done. I recommend this movie for anyone who was interested in action and comedy as well as a fan of comics. 

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