Beyond the Mask | Teen Ink

Beyond the Mask

June 4, 2015
By Jarod_Rutenber BRONZE, Pontiac, Michigan
Jarod_Rutenber BRONZE, Pontiac, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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To start, I have never watched this movie or know anything about it or even care about it. I feel that this movie will impacr the world by the different scenes in it. This movie was made next year. So I went to bed one night and I had a dream. I found out the title of the movie in my dream. That very next morning, I woke up sick, and somehow died. I feel that this movie perfectly illustrates the perfect picture of how illustration illustrates illustration. There is no other feeling like it. In conclusion, I really have no life.

The author's comments:

This was made by me.

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