Forrest Gump | Teen Ink

Forrest Gump

February 10, 2015
By klinhtt BRONZE, Grand Prairie, Texas
klinhtt BRONZE, Grand Prairie, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

During winter break, I was recommended to watch a movie called “Forrest Gump.” At first, I was unsure about watching it because it was a nineties movie; I am not a big fan of nineties movies.

In the first couple of minutes, I was already drawn into the movie. This movie made me realize people can easily get bullied for being different. In the movie, I could tell the main character was not very intelligent by the way he talks. Also, he just randomly started a conversation with strangers, and people thought he was odd.

As Forrest tells the story, he mentioned how he met Jenny. My favorite scene in the movie was when Jenny was the only one who accepted Forrest while the others didn’t even let him sit with them on the bus. I also like how they grew up with each other, it shows their close relationship and how Jenny is really important to Forrest. He did everything Jenny told him to do. For example, when she said, “Run, Forrest, run!” He ran and didn’t stop for a long time.

But, when he joined the army, Jenny started to make bad decisions. While she is out doing things she is not supposed to, Forest was serving with his friend who later became his best friend, Bubba. The sad part was that Bubba died when they were in Vietnam. Forrest tried saving everyone from his group but didn’t manage to save his best friend. Instead, he saved Lieutenant Dan and fulfilled Bubba’s promise about buying a shrimp boat with Dan.

After watching the movie, I realized that I should keep the important people in my life close to me. Even though I can succeed with many opportunities, I won’t be able to feel the success when I am on my own. For example, when Forrest ran and ran around the world, he didn’t feel like he did something great even though people were amazed at how much he ran. He actually accomplished something big, but he was not that happy since the person he loves was not with him.

In the end, I felt like Forrest was really lonely. His mother died, his best friend died, and Jenny who keeps coming in and out of his life also died. I was at least happy that they both had a son before Jenny died which made Forrest less lonely. I recommend this movie because it really gets you thinking about what you can do with your life.

The author's comments:

I was recommended to watch a movie, and it turned out to be a very inpiring movie! 

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