The Boxtrolls | Teen Ink

The Boxtrolls

October 23, 2014
By cameronb16 BRONZE, Wyckoff, New Jersey
cameronb16 BRONZE, Wyckoff, New Jersey
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We’ve all heard the expression “being raised by wolves,” but what about being raised by boxtrolls?  Lakia’s newest animated film The Boxtrolls answers that very question through the life of Eggs, the human baby taken from his home to live with these mysterious creatures.  With their greenish skin, tattered boxes, and generally unappealing appearance, the boxtrolls would frighten almost anyone, but are truly misunderstood.

The trolls are rumored to be evil and vile creatures, but to the boy lovingly raised by them that perception couldn’t be further from the truth.  The whimsical tale was released across the United States on September 26, 2014. 

Inhabitants living in the quaint town of Cheesebridge fear the boxtrolls because of the lies spread by Archibald Snatcher, an average man in desperate hope to climb the social ladder.  According to common belief, boxtrolls come out at night to steal children as they have in the infamous case of the Troubshire baby, Eggs.  Despite the popular fear amongst the townspeople, boxtrolls do not feed on human flesh and in actuality they fear human interaction.  The trolls only come out in the evening to find trinkets that catch their eye, and add them into their elaborate underground living quarters.

Throughout the film Archibald Snatcher and his clueless henchmen scour the streets at night in attempts to catch every last troll, as per request of town leader Mr. Portly-Rind.  Although the reason they are supposed to capture them is to “protect” the town, Snatcher’s motives are fueled by his desire to land a spot in Mr. Portly-Rind’s elite social club.  With the majority of the boxtroll population captured, Eggs must come to realize that his human appearance and help from unlikely sources are essential in ultimately saving his family and friends.  

The film company Laika is responsible for bringing audiences the eerily entertaining films Coraline and Paranorman, also produced The Boxtrolls.  Laika uses the stop motion film technique combined with modern animation technologies to create an alluring and charming visual for the audience.  Along with this, each character is handcrafted using precise methods to capture and also evoke emotion.   In my opinion, the animated film is comparable to no other in its market due to the creativity and unique storyline. 

As a whole, The Boxtrolls is an imaginative film with a plot like no other I have seen.  From the start to finish my attention was captured not only by the beautiful artistry, but also the meaningful message.  Even though it is traditionally cliché in films, the theme of not judging based on appearances takes on a new life and heartwarming approach in The Boxtrolls.  This animation masterpiece is equally quirky as it is incredible and will be a favorite of many others and mine for years to come.

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