Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory | Teen Ink

Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory

December 17, 2008
By Anonymous

Personally, before this movie came out,I really really wanted to see it. I loved all of the comercials because everything was made of candy. Everytime I saw a comercial, I craved candy. However, once it came out, I went to the drive in with my Aunt and Uncle and I couldn't have been more creeped out. I don't know what it was but Johnny Depp's face made me want to turn and run. And the fact that the chocolate factory was so big and confusing so and escape would have been nearly impossible, didn't help much either. Plus that room with the bubbles and the room where you get transported into the TV made me cringe. I am really afraid of being stuck underwater so when the blonde kid got stuck in the tube with the chocolate, I was scared. I have never and will never watch that movie again.

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