Catching Fire | Teen Ink

Catching Fire

May 7, 2014
By Anonymous

This thrilling and adventurous movie keeps the audience on their toes waiting with anticipation to see what happens next. Catching Fire is directed by Francis Lawrence is definitely one of the best movies of 2013. Catching Fire has every aspect a person could want, whether they are a boy or a girl. Being the second movie in a trilogy, Catching Fire had some high expectations because it followed the Hunger Games, which was also a best seller. Catching Fire definitely lived up to the expectations and even exceeded them. Filled with action, drama, and romance, it is the perfect movie for anyone to see.

Even though the setting is futuristic, all the characters are still relatable, and making the characters able to relate to the audience is very important. The actors did a spectacular job portraying their characters and made acting look effortless. The way the actors portrayed their emotions so perfectly that it made it seem real. This caused me to feel the same emotions as the characters. I went through a rollercoaster of emotions while watching Catching Fire. I cried at the deaths of the innocent, smiled in the happy moments, and felt the anger, sadness, and frustration that all the tributes felt during the Hunger Games. For a movie, and it’s actors, to make the audience feel emotion while watching the movie displays an exemplary job of the director and actors.

In addition, the action never stopped. During most movies there are slow parts that make me lose focus on the movie, but not Catching Fire. I couldn’t peel my eyes away from the screen in fear that I might miss something important, and I never felt the need to stop watching. Yes, it is a very long movie, but every minute of it is action packed, and I was shocked when it ended. The time just flies by when watching Catching Fire. Yet, the ending was the best and worst part. At the end of Catching Fire there was a dramatic cliff hanger, and this angered me because I did not want to wait for the next movie to come out to see what happens. It left me wanting more, which is a very good thing for a movie in a series to do, because it keeps the viewer interested. I know I will be the first person in line to see Mockingjay.
Another thing the Catching Fire did to make me love it so much was having romance in the movie without it being the entire story line. I think a little romance in a movie always keeps me interested because I want to find out if anything happens between the boy and the girl. Yet, it is not like most romance movies where it is very predictable and cheesy. Katniss and Peeta are not a typical couple in a typical situation, and that is what makes it interesting. The romance between Katniss and Peeta defiantly makes Catching Fire more intriguing.

Catching Fire is obviously fiction, and this allows the audience to be taken out of the real world for a while. In this time in Panem, the setting of Catching Fire, there are a lot of advances in technology, mostly in the capitol. I think people enjoy thinking about all the interesting and innovative products that will be invented in the future. It allows the audience to escape from reality and day dream about the future and what it holds, whether it is good or bad. All the special effects and action shots grab people’s attention. It makes them not think about what’s going on around them; the audience feels like they are in a different reality. However, Catching Fire is still a reflection of real life. The audience is able to relate to all the characters. Katniss is the girl that will do anything for her family, Peeta is the sensitive guy whose head over heels in love with Katniss, and all the rest of the characters all reflect the different types of people in the world. When I watched Catching Fire I felt like I could relate to Katniss in several ways. My family is my priority and I would do anything for them. Of course Katniss shows incredible bravery by volunteering in place of her sister and does a lot more things than I have ever done, but I still felt like I could relate to the way she views the world and her beliefs.

I would recommend everyone to see Catching Fire. It appeals to so many people because of it’s wide range of genres included in it. Catching Fire has amazing actors, incredible story line, and will allow the audience to escape reality, yet the characters are relatable to the viewer.

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