Divergent | Teen Ink


May 5, 2014
By helenaweaver BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
helenaweaver BRONZE, Scottsdale, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I have chosen to review the amazing movie Divergent directed by the talented Neil Burger. The setting of the great movie Divergent, is a dystopian society where basically the society is in a deserted secluded city. What makes this movie so intriguing to watch is how the dystopian society is divided into sections of their personalities. Amity, Candor, Erudite, Dauntless, and Abnegation. What makes a good an interesting movie is one that has a great plot and keeps me on my toes. Divergent does that throughout the entire movie. The main character Beatrice Prior who is only sixteen years old takes me on an adventure with twisting and turning events. Getting to choose your personality was a difficult task for Trish and she chose’s dauntless. Dauntless is all about having no fear and she really didn’t. I find when I am watching a movie the protagonist has to be very entertaining and exciting. Trish did this throughout the movie with her tough insightful personality. She is fierce, strong, and different from everyone else. She is divergent, which is where you are all of the personalities combined in one and that makes you extremely dangerous. Eventually Erudite finds out about her being a divergent and wants to destroy her. Burger does an amazing job of making the film exciting and always having a new adventure. I did not want to stop watching the film and was taken to another world. It’s important for a good movie to take you into in to a new world and divergent does that. The movie becomes even more intense when she discovers her parents are also divergent and end up getting killed. Moment by moment the movie finds a way to keep you interested and wanting more. I recommend anyone and all ages to go and see this film because of the great story line, fearless protagonist Trish, and taking you into a new world. A sequel of Divergent is set to come out in 2015 to continue on the journey of Trish’s dangerous adventure of being a divergent.

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