After Earth | Teen Ink

After Earth

April 12, 2014
By MVxRS BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
MVxRS BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Anarchy of After Earth

Anarchy has been the main genre of movies the past year. Most of the anarchy movies the past year have been really successful, but why? Most people these days enjoy watching movies that involve chaos because anything can happen. People find it interesting to see how people test their skill of survival. People watch anarchy movies to see how corrupt the government can be and what they can relate to it. Anarchy can even tie into a lot of people’s lives nowadays.

A copious amount of movies have been produced last year following the anarchy genre. Movies including Oblivion, Elysium, and The Purge have been very popular lately. Oblivion was a movie that was good to watch because it required the skill of survival. Elysium was successful because it involved a bunch of chaos. The Purge was popular because it included a corrupt government. Each of these movies were successors because they each had a trait from the anarchy genre.

Another popular movie that came out recently was called After Earth. After Earth was not surprisingly a movie that followed the anarchy genre. The movie took what people liked and made it even better. After Earth takes place in a far off land where two people are stranded from a plane crash. The two survivors of the plane crash have to strive to survive in a vast wilderness.

After Earth was an enjoyable movie to watch because it built up suspense. After Earth was suspenseful because there could be an enemy around every corner waiting to attack. The movie also had a sense of survival. The main character had to survive in the forest on his own with only a couple of oxygen containers to keep him breathing, and he had to find help with only what he had. People could also find After Earth to be a good movie because it takes place in the future. People might be able to find that enjoyable because it gives them an idea on what the creators’ insight of what the future might look like. After Earth was an all-around good movie to watch because it had many traits that followed the anarchy genre.

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