The Sixth Sense | Teen Ink

The Sixth Sense

February 21, 2014
By Si_er_ra GOLD, Littleton, Colorado
Si_er_ra GOLD, Littleton, Colorado
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
In the end it will be okay. If it's not okay, it's not the end.

The film The Sixth Sense easily earned it’s spot on the top 100 AFI movies. Since I like mind twisting movies, Its not necessarily scary, it can be a little disturbing at two points in the movie but nothing anyone can’t handle. For me I like the messing of the viewers mind, so the twists in the movie are fantastic. I’m not the best at catching foreshadowing but I was able to spot a lot of it, (exp. The white patch of hair on Cole and on his old patient). The movie kept me anxious for all the things that could possibly pop up. It’s not a “Oh my god” type of movie but it was one to keep me thinking and surprised. The movie is less of fallacies, it actually doesn’t have any. I’ve never watched the movie but knew it from the line “I see dead people’ said by the young boy Cole. As it is an older movie from when it came out, they needed very little special effects. So little I couldn’t notice. Cole meets Dr.Malcolm after he gets shot by another patient that has the same condition as Cole. Doctor doesn’t know he’s dead until he realizes everything of his failing marriage and the help of Cole. The dead don’t see anything they don’t want to see so he does not see his death of everything right away. Doctor Malcolm can’t be in his peaceful place in his mind unless he helps Cole to put him to rest with the patient that shot him. Obviously Cole does see dead people as in that he could see the dead Malcolm. The movie messed with my emotions from being sad, scared, and concerned. Since the kids refer to Cole as “Freak” it makes me sad because he actually believes it. He has a gift but nothing that earns the title of “freak”. I’m not going to lie, I did jump when the lady in his kitchen started shrieking. Also when he gets locked into the chamber at the birthday party. It also made me mad from people actually torturing other living beings. I was concerned for wondering if he’d turn out like the old patient with his same gift. In the end the movie earned high ratings from me and lots of others. The Sixth Sense would always be recommended from me.

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