The Pursuit of Happyness | Teen Ink

The Pursuit of Happyness

February 10, 2014
By Lizhi Hao BRONZE, Poyyersville, New Jersey
Lizhi Hao BRONZE, Poyyersville, New Jersey
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“If you want something, go get it. Period.” When I heard these words in The Pursuit Of Happyness, I was touched by this movie. And it made me thinking ­­­Have I made efforts towards my own dreams? Do I have enough nerve to face the failure? Do I feel happy about the process of making the dreams come true?
I could not answer myself until I went through the whole movie.
This movie begins with an opening scene when Chris saw "happyness" was spelt wrong and said ‘there is no ‘y’ in happiness ‘This line led the audiences’ attention to the keyword­ happiness. Immediately after Chris was pushed forward by the crowd on the streets, he saw lots of smiling faces. However, he could only smile bewilderedly and stood helpless wondering why they all looked so damn happy to him? His family and his career were both broken. So he was looking for a new job and a new life, his dream was to be a stockbroker. At the end of the film, Chris was standing at the same place, feeling emotional about his own success. After being suffered from sorrow, abandonment, abjection, helplessness and despair, Chris’s patience, hard work and indomitable spirit finally brought him success. So when his dream came true, Chris got his happiness. I was deeply moved and felt proud of his achievement.
After the movie, I thought of many things ­we hold these truths to be self­evident “that all humen are created equally, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”( ) This is a very good sentencces which Chris must have read it for many times and believed it adamant.
It made me think of myself ­­­ Before I came here, I was upset about the fact that I would go across the Atlantic to study in a foreign country in North America. I would face a lot of difficulties and frustration For example, if I found something that I could not understand in classes, I would probably ignore the questions rather than ask the teachers or classmates
because I was not familiar with them and my English was not good enough. Moreover, I would definitely come across some problems in relationships, language and some other things. Those are lots of reverse for me during I studied in U.S., but I still have a dream befor long time ago. My dream is to be a lawyer in the future. I love learning law in my free time, such as read some books and watched some movies and films mention about law. Although I should improve my English skill a lot, I still believe I can do it and the dream can come true. In this movie, Chris told us , ‘ I'm the type of person, if you ask me a question, and I don't know the answer, I’m gonna tell you that I don't know. But I bet you what: I know how to find the answer, and I'll find the answer.’
If I decide to keep my dream, if I can do as much as possible for my goal, if can keep thinking independently, and if I can keep these habits, I believe I will grow quickly and become closer and closer to achieve my dream.
When we don't know how to become successful, we can try our best to do what we can do. Never listen to other people who tells you that you cannot make it, you try hard with your own hand and brain, and it is a very good way to prove yourself.
After watching the moving, I can’t calm down for a long time. Dream and happiness are always tied together.

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