The Vow | Teen Ink

The Vow

September 25, 2013
By annajoelle SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
annajoelle SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“The One of the best love stories since the ‘Notebook” would be last years box office hit “The Vow.” It stars Teen Ink heart throb Channing Tatum who plays Leo and Rachel McAdams who plays Paige. They did a fantastic job and had great chemistry.

Tatum and McAdams play a young couple madly in love. Their lives were perfect until a horrible car accident puts Paige into a severe coma. When she wakes up she completely forgets her life with Leo and can only remember the years before.

Leo tries his best to help her regain her memory of him. But the longer it goes the more frustrated they both get at each other which puts even a bigger wedge between them. Even though Paige has given up, on Leo continues to help her remember the love they had for each other before. Even when family continually told him to give up, that there was no hope, that she was gone forever. He proves to them that love never fails.

This movie is a must see for all the hopeless romantics. I’ve seen it in theaters and out on DVD multiple times and I recommend it to everybody.

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