Life of Pi | Teen Ink

Life of Pi

January 28, 2013
By D.Sonia BRONZE, Calgary, Other
D.Sonia BRONZE, Calgary, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Nominated for 11 Academy Awards “Life of Pi” captures a brilliant relationship between a young boy and a tiger. The depth of his movie really appealed to me. The 3D visual effects have been critically acclaimed by numerous critics.
“Life of Pi” is based on an award winning novel written by Yann Martel. If I was to advise either the movie or the book, I would recommend the movie. “Life of Pi” is visually alluring to its audience and that’s one of the reasons that it’s both a success critically and commercially.
What first excited me about this movie was its exquisite trailer.
Suraj Sharma and Irrfan Khan’s acting was worth applauding. The emotion emitted from Pi during the movie left me speechless.
If anything, “Life of Pi” should be seen by viewers because of its unique plot. The movie takes us through Piscine Patel’s life expanding from when he was five to when he is an adult.
“Life of Pi” follows Pi on a journey to Winnipeg Canada after his family sold their zoo. They are traveling by ship with all their animals when a storm takes place. Pi manages to escape with a few of his zoo animals, from which only Richard Parker, a Bengal tiger would survive.
Pi, who has a keen interest in animals, teaches Richard Parker as well as himself to live peacefully after a momentary indiscretion. The story traces the friendship between two creatures which leads us to ask ourselves, can humans ever make peace with their surroundings?
Overall I would say “Life of Pi” is a must watch for all types of audiences.

The author's comments:
Life of Pi's visual effects have been said to be the next best thing after Avatar.

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