Batman: The Dark Knight Returns Part I | Teen Ink

Batman: The Dark Knight Returns Part I

January 2, 2013
By ChevyPillow PLATINUM, Fairfield, Connecticut
ChevyPillow PLATINUM, Fairfield, Connecticut
43 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick @ss...and i'm all out of bubblegum." (They Live 1988)

Batman: You try to hold me back, but you're weak. You know it in your soul. You're nothing but a hollow shell. A rusty trap. The time has come.

Batman is back! Okay, that is really up to one's opinion. If you are more of a fan of the theatrical Christopher Nolan directed Batman films, then Batman returning is old news. If that is the case then I'd guess you have probably already seen The Dark Knight Rises three months ago when it first came out in July. On the other hand, if you are an old school diehard fan of the original Batman comics and enjoy them more than the Nolan trilogy, or any live-action Batman movie for that matter, then I honestly believe that it is safe to say that I can guarantee you that you will like, if not, love this movie.

This movie follows 55 year old Bruce Wayne 10 years after he has last been seen as the Caped Crusader. He and Commissioner Gordon know each other's secrets and Gotham City is in terrible condition. Believe it or not, teenage mutants have taken over Gotham causing mayhem everywhere. Does Bruce Wayne have what it takes to throw on the cape and cowl again and kick some mutant ass, or will he be stopped by someone, or overrun by the city? Any comic book fanatic should know that this is one of the most beloved Batman stories ever conceived. The story was drawn and written to be made into a movie, and although this one is a straight to DVD animated version everything here is handled with complete respect: the animation, the voice acting, the writing, the directing, everything is top notch. Even though I think I enjoy the Nolan trilogy more than the old comics, I have total respect towards those comic books and hope to read more of them in the near future. They are just so damn investing, which is exactly what The Dark Knight Returns flawlessly pulls off.

Commissioner Gordon: That was some stunt you pulled at the racetrack.
Bruce Wayne: Keeps the blood flowing.
Commissioner Gordon: So long as most of it stays inside you.
Bruce Wayne: Worried about me?
Commissioner Gordon: Let's just say I'm glad you survived Batman's retirement and I was hoping you'd keep it that way.

I was really impressed with Batman: The Dark Knight Returns Part I. It is not only well made but it is also just refreshing. The reason I say this is because here we get a lot of adult content such as violence including blood, language, and brief drug references. This is new for any Batman movie and I liked how different it felt. I was really dropped in upon the gritty atmosphere.

The only thing I don't get is why this has been released on DVD right after The Dark Knight Rises was released in theaters, especially since the titles are so similar. Can't wait for Part II.

Mutant Leader: That a tickle?
Batman: That was a nerve bundle in your deltoid. Might not hurt, but you won't be moving that arm for a while.


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