March 15, 2012
By Kate Stratton BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
Kate Stratton BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Bring a box of tissues to the movie “The Notebook” which is a heart-wrenching sad story about eternal love and the for better or worse in all of our wedding vows. It tells the story of a young couple from different social classes who are split at a young age due to the high expectations of the young girl's parents. Ryan Gosling plays the young boy, Noah, that later grows into the older Noah, James Garner. The young girl Allie, played by Rachel McAdams is later played by Gena Rowlands as the older Allie.I highly recommend seeing this movie. It is now my all-time favorite. Allie and Noah meet at a young age and instantly fall in love. Noah writes her letters every day when they split apart that are confiscated by her Mom. He feels slighted gives up on his pursuit but wins her in the end. They grow old together and Allie gets Alzheimer's disease resulting in memory loss to all details of their companionship. It shows us that true love really can last and even with all of Allie's struggles in life, she was still strong enough to follow her heart. The plot line is very unique and is what makes this movie so special. It tugs at your heart with the ending of the film showing Noah reading her passages from his journal to help Allie with her memory. By now both characters are in an elderly state of their lives and Allie is in a nursing home where Noah takes care of her for better or worse.

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