"Romeo and Juliet" | Teen Ink

"Romeo and Juliet"

October 20, 2011
By Geodawson BRONZE, Oxfordshire, Other
Geodawson BRONZE, Oxfordshire, Other
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Heloo babeey

Shakespeare? “Romeo and Juliet”? I know confusing right? Well, that was the old one, now there is a new fresh action- packed film full of romantic adventures! It’s about a young attractive girl and a good looking lad that fall in love at first sight- sounds so perfect doesn’t it? However that’s not the case.
The young lad called Romeo by the way, is the son of the Montagues who are worst enemies with young Juliet’s family who are the Capulets:O (Shock! Horror!)
They love each other so much that they get married even though their families are enemies. BUT when Juliet’s cousin Tybalt sees Romeo at the Capulet party (which was when Romeo and Juliet fall in love) he FLIPS! But everything gets messed up so Romeo and Juliet loved each other loads, they die for each other!
It was set in LA America, very modern (tall buildings and stuff) there are lots of cars and petrol stations, this is very different to the old film. The costumes were very good especially at the party where Romeo is dressed as a knight and Juliet is and angel this tells us that Romeo is Juliet’s hero however Tybalt is a devil and this shows he will try really hard to split Romeo and Juliet up.
Overall I loved it and I seriously think you should watch it! It was very enjoyable for girls and boys and really good.

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