Curious Case of Benjamin Button | Teen Ink

Curious Case of Benjamin Button

April 28, 2011
By And_Andey BRONZE, Auburn, New York
And_Andey BRONZE, Auburn, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When I first decided to watch this movie my thoughts were conflicted because of the televised commercials showing what the movie was based on and the synopsis I read before watching. I thought at first glance it could be hit or miss because the concept of someone born old and growing the opposite way just sounded odd, but to my surprise, it was quite the opposite. While watching this film my thoughts swayed about many "what if" questions that we never think about. For example asking yourself how would life be if I never knew my parents? Which is part of life saying, "to play with the cards you are dealt with," because of how Benjamin is, unknowingly holding the death of his mother and not knowing his father until his untimely death. Even though his circumstances are bad, he perseveres and lives life to the fullest and makes mistakes and learns to do the best thing for everyone in his life in regards to his life circumstances of growing younger instead of older.

I believe this movie to be one of the more thought-provoking pieces of art I have recently watched. Recently most of the mainstream films are either vulgar and brain-dead comedies or bloody horror films with no real plot. I think this breaks away from the norm and shines brightly. Brad Pitt is another good surprise I found while watching this film. Instead of being just the suave, cool guy he portrays in most of his films, he is an intellectual in this movie and has a ton of setbacks to entice his story and honor. Another strength of this movie is the fact that it is told by Benjamin and Daisy's daughter Caroline to an older and near-death Daisy. It shows how Daisy feels about Benjamin's whole life that she missed when she was trying to find herself and after Benjamin left. I felt this was one of the many strong points of this film. On the other hand, one of the weak points of this film was the fact that most of the film was very predictable but, in its defense, it was an extremely gripping plot that kept you thinking about how each character would react to another characters actions. All in all I would recommend this film to anyone who is trying to watch something different than the usual action or comedy films that are advertised regularly.

The author's comments:
I saw the movie and it was shockingly good so I thought it deserved to be told of to my fellow peers.

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