Iron Man | Teen Ink

Iron Man

October 14, 2010
By hfstar35000 BRONZE, Chanhassen, Minnesota
hfstar35000 BRONZE, Chanhassen, Minnesota
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“I am Iron Man”, Robert Downey Jr’s famous quote in the action packed movie Iron Man is a great representation of this a stellar actor. Known for being sarcastic and humorous, Downey portrays this character well in Iron Man, constantly throwing in sarcastic jokes all while keeping a straight face. Working his way back into the acting scene following a brief stint in drug rehabilitation, Downey has effectively won back the affection of the people that previously disliked him. Iron Man is yet another great example of Downey’s terrific acting. I liked this spectacular movie that was full of suspense, action and a well developed plot.
Boom an explosion shreds the military vehicle of the world renowned weapons specialist Tony Stark. Barely escaping death Tony Stark is kidnapped by terrorists who hold Stark in captivity. Forced to create weapons for the terrorist group, Tony comes up with an idea that could aid in his escape and the escape of another Russian prisoner. The idea of creating a human weapon was ultimately his idea. Running out of time, Stark finishes this weapon and immediately strikes the terrorists with it. While annihilating the terrorists with this weapon, the Russian prisoner was shot and killed. This was a turning point in the plot and Tony Starks character. Upon safely returning to the United States, Tony shut down his weapons company after seeing what weapons really do to people. He immediately started making a private, modified version of this human weapon which becomes known as Iron Man. Things get tricky however when Stark under-covers a plot amongst a business partner to bring him down. Tony creates this high tech machine and the battles begin!

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