orhpan | Teen Ink


May 25, 2010
By Anonymous

Have you ever considered an orphan? Its fun to watch them change, they are fun to be with. But trust me you don’t want this orphan. Isabelle Fuhrman is the orphan named Esther. That gets taken in by Peter Sargarred as John Coleman and Vera Farmiga as Kate Coleman. That had lost their baby well Kate was giving birth to it. They all ready have two kids Jimmy Bennett as Daniel Coleman and Karel Roden as Max Coleman that is some what deaf.
After they take in Esther the mother Kate Coleman starts’ finding out that Esther has a weird past, which she kept from everyone. A lot of people think that this movie is weird because, of what Esther does in the movie to the people that make her mad, like picking on her or get in her way of what she wants.
The people that put together this movie director- Jaume Collets- Serra, Prouder- David Johnson and executive producer- Alex mace. They were trying to make this movie was to make it a horror/twisted romance kind of movie. They are also trying to make sure you should be scared of some orphans. But you should get one but make sure you get all the background information on the kid.

I really think that this movie is weird. What I like about it is some of the killing parts and some of the parts are a little weird. What I don’t like about this movie is that there was no running at all and all her face expression in the movie. Overall this is dumb movie and
Really miss up a lot of peoples think. Try to get an orphan but make sure it is not this orphan.

This movie was rated r.

The author's comments:
i think that this is dumb

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This article has 2 comments.

on Jun. 10 2010 at 2:19 am
Megaphone1927 SILVER, The Tardis, Tennessee
6 articles 0 photos 43 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you don't peer into the shadows, you won't see the ghosts."-Flora Segunda

You know, I'm not really sure whether you were trying to be funny or not, but either way you got me. I thought it was hilarious.

Also, how long did it take the editors to work through your piece and post it? cuz mine is takin' forever.

on Jun. 6 2010 at 10:19 am
Ninja_Writer BRONZE, Western Springs, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 27 comments
This review lacked much quality. Your large and multiple spelling and grammar  mistakes took away from the entire article, and the reasons why the movie was 'dumb' are blurry and hard to understand. The way you began and ended the article could've made more sense had the writing been edited. I encourage you to take this advice and keep writing.