iron man 2 | Teen Ink

iron man 2

May 19, 2010
By lastairbender BRONZE, Holland, Michigan
lastairbender BRONZE, Holland, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Coming from the very exciting and action packed sequel of Iron Man, Iron Man 2 is definitely a great movie to see this summer. Appropriate for almost all ages, it has action, drama, mystery and even a little romance. With amazing special effects, intriguing cast members and a story plot that attracts all audiences, Iron Man 2 is a must see film. Throughout the entire movie, the audience is kept wondering and on their toes. So grab some popcorn, get a couple friends and hold on your seat belts, it’s about a 1 and a half hour ride.
The movie starts off with Tony Stark, A.k.a. Iron Man, bathing in his fame and high ego mind. He is the unspoken protector of the world with his powerful suit and his brilliance. He thinks he’s the best and will stay that way for many years to come. What he doesn’t know is Ivan Vanko, the man with the whips, has the technology of Iron Man and tries to use it to kill him and regain his families name as rightful finders of the Arc technology. The movie isn’t just about these two dueling it out, even though that’s what the movie could use a little more of. It has mysteries, puzzles, twists and the long waited love of Tony Stark and his trusted secretary Ms. Potts. Over the course of the movie Iron Man faces a new problem; he is quickly dying from the plutonium from his Arc reactor connected to his body. Needing to find a cure and new element to aid in his health, Stark looks into his father’s legacy and finds a hidden message. Along the way, Tony puts his company Stark Industries, under new management, picks up a few new friends and of course reintroduces us to his old ones. Lt. Col. James Rhodes, Rhodey as Iron Man calls him and his new secretary Natalie Rushman, are two important roles in this movie. There are also some other characters that make an appearance within the movie such as Nick Furry ,S.H.I.E.L.D. leader and J.A.R.V.I.S., the one armed robot, but these two play a minor role and impact the main character briefly. Within the movie, Vanko is not the only bad guy, Justin Hammer, Stark Industries number one competitor, wants to defeat Tony and claim his right as the best inventor of time. Hammer joins forces with Vanko in the quest to defeat Iron Man and Stark Industries.
This movie cannot be waited on, even if you haven’t seen the first Iron Man still go out and see Iron Man 2 immediately. The movie starts out reintroducing Iron Man to the audience so you won’t miss a thing. Then during the middle of the movie it reveals all the problems and situations every character is going through. Finally at the end is what we’ve all been waiting for, the robot fighting action. Iron Man 2 leaves a little mark on society. Giving us the idea of how special effects and technology in the future will evolve. Plus the eager knowing and question of if there will be another Iron Man. Director and film producers have confirmed there will be more Iron Man films that follow up. Thor, Avenger, and Iron Man 3 are all new possibilities. Now we all just have to wait. Good things are worth waiting for as they say it and this amazing series won’t let down.

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