Wicker Park | Teen Ink

Wicker Park

May 14, 2010
By maddiemchs2010 BRONZE, Charlotte, North Carolina
maddiemchs2010 BRONZE, Charlotte, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Based on the original French film, Le Appartamente, Wicker Park is a gripping and brilliant movie is a story of two separated lovers who are confused, lost and a little bit on the stalker side as they try to find each other. This realistic drama is shot out of sequence making it almost cleverly impossible to follow until the ending is revealed.

Josh Harnett plays a man named Matthew who has a great job with a major promotion coming his way. He is about to propose to his girlfriend, Rebecca, but suddenly he has an encounter with his long lost love, Lisa. Lisa left unexpectedly years before and never gave him the reason why. Seeing her sets Matthew on a search of strange clues that he believes could lead him back to this woman who walked out of his life. With help from his best friend Luke, played by Matthew Lillard, and Luke’s new girlfriend Alex, played by Rose Byrne, Matthew follows the enticing trail to a familiar place, the apartment of Lisa. However, the woman at the apartment is not the same woman who left him two years ago.

His strange love life gets twisted when another shocking secret is revealed. Matthew must make the choice between this new woman, Rebecca, and the love of his life that he can’t seem to get out of his mind.

Josh Harnett’s performance is almost stiff the whole time, but it seems to work with his character. He does let out some strong emotions at times that could bring a tear to the viewer’s eye. Overall his performance is fitting to the character and extremely enticing to the plot line.

Even though Harnett’s performance works well in the story, the characters that really stand out are Lisa and Alex (Kruger and Byrne). The strong. tenderhearted female lead-roles were the stars of the movie—keeping the viewer attracted both emotionally and because of their sensuality. They act as if the story is a depiction of their lives because it seems like reality.

Though this movie was not as popular in the States as it was in Europe, it still is a highly relatable movie of losing someone you love and attempting to get them back. This movie is not a chick-flick, but an advancement of the genre. It is a movie for both male and female viewers telling a tale of love and interesting twists and turns that will keep you flinching and on your toes.

The author's comments:
I am completely obsessed with this movie. I think it is both enticing and sappy. I love everything about it. Though it has a slow start, the confusion of the main character's love life draws you in almost completely.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Aug. 2 2010 at 12:58 pm
fictionlover10 SILVER, Scottsdale, Arizona
6 articles 0 photos 59 comments
This was a great review, very nicely done. Thanks for not adding any spoilers! This sounds like an interesting movie and I'll be sure to watch it now!