PS I Love You | Teen Ink

PS I Love You

May 29, 2009
By Katie Hickling BRONZE, Charlotte, North Carolina
Katie Hickling BRONZE, Charlotte, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I recently watched the movie “PS I Love You” and it has become one of my favorites. The movie is based on the book by author Cecelia Ahern. The movie starts off with a bang as husband Gerry and wife Holly have a huge fight. They yell and scream and after five minutes are in each others arms apologizing. It really shows the audience that the couple has a deep never ending love. The next scene however drastically changes the course of the movie as we are sent to a funeral. Gerry has died. Holly is stricken with grief and will not leave the apartment the two shared. After two weeks however letters begin to come from Gerry as though he is guiding Holly through the grieving process from beyond the grave. The movie then depicts Holly's adventures as she follows the instructions on the various letters Gerry sends her.
This movie was thought provoking and had viewers guessing the whole way as to what Gerry would have Holly do next. I enjoyed the movie because it made you laugh cry and question the true love you can feel for another. I think the acting in the movie was superb and very well done. As a theatre kid one of the first things I look for in a movie is acting quality and these actresses and actors certainly delivered believable and fantastic performances. I truly did believe that Holly was in love with Gerry and the grieving she went through was very realistic.
This movie is based off of a book and I feel it stayed very true to the book which I have also read. Some movies have a tendency to take liberties with stories and change them however, this time they did not. I truly believe that PS I Love You is one of the greatest love stories and romantic movies of our generation and I recommend it to anyone who has thought about watching it.

The author's comments:
I wrote this for my Liberary Science class at school I hope you all agree with me! It is one of my favorite movies and I made my boyfirend watch it and now he loves it too! =]

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