Hotrod SPOILER | Teen Ink


February 24, 2022
By lukeh37 SILVER, Cannonfalls, Minnesota
lukeh37 SILVER, Cannonfalls, Minnesota
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Rod is the famous local stuntman, who believes that he is the coolest bad boy anyone will ever meet. He would do local stunts that would get most of the town excited. Like jumping the city pool on his little moped or jumping ice cream trucks with unstable ramps. From the stupid stunts, Rod Kimble (Andy Samberg) makes to the relationship he and his stepfather have, to his fake mustache. Makes this movie great. But, there are some pros and cons to this movie. This can seem to be true by looking at the middle of the movie, the subpar ending, and the spoiling trailer this movie has.

Rod hates his stepfather with a passion. But early in the movie, he was informed that his stepdad, Frank, needs a heart transplant. The only reason he wants Frank Alive is so then, Rod, himself can beat him up. So Rod came up with an idea to make $50,000 with his crew; Dave, Kevin, Rico, and Denise. Now this crew might not be the smartest, but they have the determination to fulfill their goals. Rod decides that he is going to make the biggest jump in history, jumping fifteen buses. One more than evil con evil. For preparation, he starts “training”. Practicing holding his breath underwater and the art of tia chi. 

At the climax of this movie, Rod is able to get a sponsor from a slowly dying off AM radio station “KNER”, for his big jump. He is getting donations left and right from people all around the world. Before the big jump rod gets a new bike, a big upgrade compared to his little moped. But when it comes to the big jump, Rod lets go of his bike and almost dies. I find it very shocking for such a funny movie to turn dark that fast.

I think that the trailer of the movie ruins the entire movie overall. It does not just show all the good parts, but also most of the ending. So when I was thinking that the movie was going to be funnier than the trailer, I was very disappointed. The trailer is more of a summary of the movie than a preview. I definitely recommend watching the movie before the trailer, just so then no one can see any of the big jokes coming.

There are many pros and cons to this movie and I have only hit the major points. The amazing rising action, the subpar ending, and the spoiling trailer. I think that all these imperfections make the movie the way it is. Aslo that the best part is not a scene in Hotrod, but that I struggled to predict any part of the movie. Overall, I find this movie very amusing And I highly recommend it.

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