The Boy in the Striped Pajamas | Teen Ink

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas

April 24, 2009
By Dakota BRONZE, Granite City, Illinois
Dakota BRONZE, Granite City, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My thoughts about this movie are discouraging. I loved the movie, But I was also touched.
The movie started out about a boy. This boy's name was Bruno. Bruno was a naive eight year old boy. His father was a soldier who moved his family a lot. Bruno had just found the one home with the right friends. He thought that this was finally 'home'. Like any other child that is satisfied with the home they are currently living in, when your guardian tells you " We are moving" you tend to dislike this choice. Well Bruno liked the home he was in a lot." But mother.. We have such a pretty home. The prettiest I have ever seen. Why do we have to move?" Bruno asked. His mother replied saying " Bruno honey your father needs us the move. He has been transfered so as a family we need to support him. This home i hope will be even prettier." Bruno had no more arguements. So they moved into his new house. Much prettier. Bigger. One day when he was unpacking he saw a farm, or thats what it looked like. They farmers were all wearing pjammas. How weird. He asked him mom why they wore those clothes she they are weird. One day he wanted a tire for a swing, Kotel ( a soldier) Ordered one of the farmers to fetch him one. The old man was very tired, Bruno felt really bad. He got him a tire and made a swing for him. Bruno was swinging. The old man was tending a garden when Bruno fell. He carried him inside fixed up his cut. Bruno insisted he go to the hospital. The old man said " I'm Peval. I used to be a doctor. You need not to go to the doctor. Now stay still and rest. Your mom will be home soon.". Bruno rested. The mom was grateful for Peval's help. Bruno was still not satisfied with his new home. He went exploring. He found a boy with a shaved head and looked like the farmers. They had about five meetings when Bruno's Grandfather came for a visit. Peval spilt wine on the table and was never seen again. One day Shmuel's ( Bruno's new friend) 'papa' disappeared. " Oh Bruno Papa went for a shower in a chamber and has not returned." Shmuel said tearing. " I should help you. I will shovel my way through and wear the uniforms and put a cap over my head. Can u get a pair of the uniforms so I can look like you?” Bruno asked. “ I can get you the uniforms and then u can help me find my papa!” Shmuel said happily. Bruno got a uniform and shoveled under. They then set off to look for Shmuel's papa. They went into a hut. In about three minutes soldiers walked in a marched them to a chamber. Supposedly wear Shmuel's father went before he disappeared. The soldiers ordered the uniforms be removed. Well everyone assumed it was a shower. Nothing would ever prepare them for what they were in for. Bruno's parents found him missing. His father found his clothes by the fence knowing he was inside the camp. They soon realized what had happened. Bruno, Shmuel, and about a hundred other people were gassed that day. The moral of this story was: Lines may divide us, But friendship will unite us. I think this is a good story and should be shared for generations to come.*

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jun. 20 2009 at 5:48 pm
AlexandraRose BRONZE, Port Hardy, Other
1 article 0 photos 41 comments
This is a good summery of the movie, but its not a reveiw. A reveiw is when write why you like/dislike a film not what happens it step by step, thats whats called a summery.