Gulliver's Travels | Teen Ink

Gulliver's Travels

December 15, 2019
By Anonymous

 Gulliver's Travels proves to be a dramatic and action-packed adventure that will be sure to please audiences with its immensely intriguing plot and its fresh take on a well-known story. The movie revolves around Lemuel Gulliver, who just so happens to live an ordinary life. Gulliver is just a simple guy that works in a very typical mailroom at the local city newspaper. However, everything quickly changes for Gulliver. Thinking that he's doing a favor for a co-worker, Gulliver quickly finds himself going on an assignment in the dreaded Bermuda Triangle. While there, a mysterious storm hits and quickly transports Gulliver along with it. Unsure of how it happened or why, Gulliver discovers that some mysterious vortex is responsible for bringing him to an entirely new world that consists of tiny people, or who are at least tiny in comparison to himself. Gulliver seems to be dumbfounded at first as to how to respond to this new situation, but soon comes to the startlizing realization that this could actually be a good thing. At this new home, Gulliver has the potential to become treasured by the people because he can use his enormous size to protect the new and magical land of Lilliput from their immense amount of rivals. In the process, Gulliver begins to infuse plenty of his favorite characteristics from his culture back at home to the land of Lilliput, and throughout it all, Gulliver begins to have the adventure of a lifetime.

 Gulliver's Travels proves to be an enticing and incredibly original take on a classic tale. Through the utilization of modern components, the movie is able to create an adventure that will definitely resonate with the young and modern audience that it was made for. The movie takes a form of classic literature and reworks it for an entirely new age, but this might result in disappointing those looking for the cinematic version of one of their favorite stories. There is in fact a heavy emphasis on silly humor that depends on gags and simple jokes for laughter. Despite how this means the movie is far from being the most sophisticated, it is still more than capable of producing laughs with its hilarious take on certain portions, like when Gulliver convinces the people of Lilliput to perform plays on his favorite movies.

 Gulliver's Travels does manage to possess a fairly concise and cohesive story that gets straight to the point. The beginning of the movie brilliantly introduces audiences to what Gulliver's life was like before he reached the mystical land of Lilliput, and this allows the film to create a stark contrast for Gulliver, dividing his life before and after the incredible adventure that he is about to experience. The middle of the movie does provide plenty of character development, and while this does cause some characters to become more compelling, the plot at this point is still fairly expected and predictable. The enticing ending of the movie does have some emotion and drama apparent, but it never truly feels that inspired or riveting. 
 Gulliver's Travels manages to transform into a thoroughly fun and high-spirited adventure, and while the movie is definitely not as invigorating as some might expect, it still has enough strengths to warrant watching it. With aid from the captivating and exciting Jack Black, who plays Lemuel Gulliver, the movie has a phenomenal protagonist that is amusing and capable of leading viewers into the mysterious and wonderful land of Lilliput. While the movie is far from becoming an absolute must-see, it is still certainly worth watching, especially for those that are fans of Jack Black. 

The author's comments:

"There's no small jobs - just small people." - Lemuel Gulliver

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