Great Children’s Film: Paper Planes, Crashes!! | Teen Ink

Great Children’s Film: Paper Planes, Crashes!!

November 7, 2018
By ColderOregeon54 BRONZE, Perth, Other
ColderOregeon54 BRONZE, Perth, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The film Paper Planes, directed by Robert Connolly and released in 2015, shows the journey of Dylan Webber (Played by Ed Oxenbould) as he travels in search of his talent for making successful paper planes. He travels from his hometown in regional Western Australia to Sydney and eventually The World Championships in Tokyo, Japan. During the film Dylan learns through experiences about creativity and imagination, meeting life's challenges, community, and bullying.

 The film starts off showing Dylan and his father (Jack Webber, played by Sam Worthington) as having lost Dylan's mum and Jack's wife in a car accident only five months earlier, and as a result, Jack has been in a state of depression and Dylan has to " parent " Jack. 

During this film Dylan meets Kimi (played by Ena Imai), the Japanese paper plane world champion, who Dylan almost immediately likes and so does Jason, Jason even tries to stop Dylan and Kimi from talking.

Dylan also has to deal with "bully" figures throughout the film, firstly Kevin (A wannabe bully who ends up becoming friends with Dylan, who is played by Julian Dennison ) and Jason (Played by Nicholas Bakopoulos-Cooke, and is a competitive and spoilt brat who is the son of a successful golfer), Kevin is seen as a not a very mean boy who just wanted to makes some friends, were as Jason is shown as a mean boy and has an all-out win type of attitude and sees plane world champion, who Dylan almost immediately likes and so does Jason, Jason even tries to stop Dylan and Kimi from talking.

Once Dylan has qualified for Japan, his family face a problem of having enough money for him to go to Japan. So, they hold a garage sale and with the help of his teacher and his grandfather they are able to raise enough money for him to go to Japan.

During Dylan’s time in Japan, he confronts Jason after he bullies some of the other finalists, saying that he is giving a bad reputation of Australia, and possibly because of this Jason pushes Dylan down a flight of stairs and giving Dylan a spraint throwing wrist.



In my opinion this film is great but could be significantly improved and is why I have given it the 5 out of 10 paper planes and as I do not regularly watch these types of films.


Stereotypically being a children's film, the answer to all, if not most of the problems is predictable, for example from the beginning of the championships and qualifying, the audience can tell that Dylan is going to win the championships.


Also another thing that is an obvious fault is that the film is littered with GCIs (Computer Generated Images), for example when Dylan is at his school and he throws the plane (with the assistance of some CGIs) he is able to make it travel the distance it travels, which seems unlikely because for a regular person on their first attempt how can someone get it to fly more than 25 metres?

Also, when Dylan launches his hawk it flies around in a circular motion.

In my opinion this film is great but could be significantly improved and is why I have given it the 5 out of 10 paper planes and as I do not regularly watch these types of films.

Stereotypically being a children's film, the answer to all, if not most of the problems is predictable, for example from the beginning of the championships and qualifying, the audience can tell that Dylan is going to win the championships.

Also another thing that is an obvious fault is that the film is littered with GCIs (Computer Generated Images), for example when Dylan is at his school and he throws the plane (with the assistance of some CGIs) he is able to make it travel the distance it travels, which seems unlikely because for a regular person on their first attempt how can someone get it to fly more than 25 metres?

Also, when Dylan launches his plane at the finals it stays airborne longer compared to the other planes.

However,  the film is not entirely faulty, there are good moral messages shown in the film, for example children should always follow their dreams and no-matter what the circumstances are, they should at least attempt to follow their dreams.

I personally think that Robert Connolly has created a good and educating movie.

I think that most teenagers might like this film, however if they are like me (serious and grown up watching mostly National Geographic programs) then they will probably not like this film.

Personally, I think that this film is important for young kids (just starting primary school), they should watch the film as I find it to encouraging and inspirational for these younger kids,  because the film teaches us to follow our dreams, no matter what our circumstances are.

One reason why the audience might not like this film is it is a bit slow and it drags for a bit of time.

In my opinion I think that film is good but could be significantly improved to make more appealing to older audiences.


For younger audiences I would strongly encourage this film, on the other hand for older audiences I would strongly discourage this film.

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