The Eleventh Plague by Jeff Hirsch | Teen Ink

The Eleventh Plague by Jeff Hirsch

November 17, 2017
By WilliamTelesco BRONZE, Dexter MI, Michigan
WilliamTelesco BRONZE, Dexter MI, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Eleventh Plague was written by Jeff Hirsch and was published in 2011.  The genre of the book is science fiction. In this book a boy named Stephen has to survive in the new world after the P11 just hit the United States. The P11 is a bomb that has a very deadly disease in it that China sent over during World War III. Stephen has to go through many heartbreaking things and also has many moments where he is worried and has to be brave and stand up for what he thinks is right. One of the hardest moments in the book for Stephen is when he loses his dad and has to go on without anymore family members to help him, except that he finds a community of people that he becomes friends with and joins them to help him survive. Later on in the book, there are other communities that he has to fight and go through for his life.


I really enjoined reading this book, it kept me wanting to read it because of the way Hirsch wrote this book. Every time I finished a chapter, there was a new question I had and had to read the next chapter for it to be answered. I love that he wrote this book in first person from Stephen’s point-of-view. I could really tell how he was feeling in the hard and good times of the book. I felt that the book was very well written and had a good plot. I would recommend this book to anyone that loves science fiction books. I think that many teenagers  would like this book because it is written from the point of view of a teenager. Of course though all adults could read this and enjoyed it. Other books Hirsch has written are Black River Falls, The Darkest Path, and Breakaway.


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