Will Grayson, Will Grayson by David Levithan and John Green | Teen Ink

Will Grayson, Will Grayson by David Levithan and John Green MAG

October 7, 2017
By Aushaz BRONZE, Rawalpindi, Other
Aushaz BRONZE, Rawalpindi, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Funny, rude and original,” reads The New York Times Book Review for this book. And that quite effectively sums up my feelings about it.

The story, co-authored by David Levithan and John Green, follows two teenagers named Will Grayson, who couldn’t be more different from each other. The first Will Grayson is shy, and lives by his personal rules: “shut up and don’t care too much.” He feels overshadowed by his large, gay best-friend, Tiny Cooper. The other Will Grayson is depressed and tries to find love on the Internet. I’ll let you find out how that goes yourself. And when the two finally meet in a porn shop – yep, you read that right, but trust me, it’s not as crazy as it sounds – their lives change.

The story is simple yet unique, and the characters are engaging. It might get called unoriginal, but hey, that’s what this book is about: a blend of the ridiculous with the realistic. The humor is witty and raw but mind you, it may not be everyone’s type.

The depiction of two main gay characters – Tiny Cooper and the second Will Grayson – is something I’d never read before, and needless to say, it was depicted most originally, and genuinely. (This book is also the first gay-themed young adult novel to wind up on The New York Times best-seller list.)
I’d rate it a 5/5, and recommend it to anybody, provided you’re old enough, because this book’s got some strong language. And as I mentioned earlier, it might not be for everybody, but for most of you out there, it’s gonna be a heck of a ride.


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