Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare | Teen Ink

Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare

September 25, 2017
By bookshyauthor BRONZE, Burleson, Texas
bookshyauthor BRONZE, Burleson, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"One must always be careful of books, and what is inside them, for words have the power to change us." Tessa Gray, Clockwork Angel, Cassandra Clare

*Spoiler alert*

Cassandra Clare is a wonderful author and writes beautifully, however the ending of this story left me slightly upset. While part of me was happy that Tessa could be with both Will and Jem it seems a bit unrealistic.

In the real world Tessa would have had to chose Will and accept that Jem was gone from her forever as a Silent Brother. I do not know the pretense of him being released from his Brotherhood, but I can't help but feel that perhaps with such strict rules and regulations of the Brothers that it would have been something serious to release him. The epilogue left me with many questions, that may or may not have been answered in The Mortal Instruments series, that I still ponder nearly a year after completing the book.

With all of that out, please do not think that I am not happy with the story and how it played out. I love the characters and how we see them develop and struggle. I cried when we see Jem as a young man full of life, knowing he could finally be happy with Tessa. I just wish that maybe it had been a bit more realistic, in that with real life you can't have everything. All critiques aside, The Infernal Devices might be my favorite fantasy series, from the witty characters and the understandable love triangle, I respect and admire Ms. Clare's decisions.

The author's comments:

I love Cassandra Clare so much and she inspires much of my writing style. I just wanted to get this one thing off of my chest that bothered me slightly. I understand I may be the only one who feels this way towards the ending but it made me feel better to write this out. Thank you for reading!


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