Hugo Cabret | Teen Ink

Hugo Cabret

April 2, 2009
By Mike Bosseti BRONZE, Marblehead, Ohio
Mike Bosseti BRONZE, Marblehead, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Hugo Caberet is a young boy living in Paris during the early 1900's. who's father has recently passed away and whos gaurdian uncle has recently left him to fend for himself. Hugo not wanting to leave his home is forced to do his uncle job of changing the clocks in the train station every day. Although Hugo can not collect the pay for his uncle job as he does not know how to cash the checks, Hugo is still able to get along by stealing what is necessary. Hugo also steals what he needs to rebuild his fathers automan. This is a machine hugo's father worked on and something hugo was able to recover after the fire which caused his fathers death. Hugo works on the automan constantly till he is caught stealing a toy from a shop by and old man. Hugo is forced to work if he would like to recover his notebook. As he is working to recover a notebook Hugo meets a young girl with a necklace that fits the space for his automan. Will this key work? What will the automan do if it Works? And how does the young girl have the key needed for the automan to work? To find out you'll need to read the thrilling Mystery piece. This book is similar to a Science fiction type and may be liked by someone who loved the harry potter books and others by J.k. Rowling and would loved by those who loved those books as it is very similar. The difference between those books and Hugo Caberet is that Hugo's story is more realistic and something that could happen. One thing that i loved about the book is how the author slowly revealed different parts of Hugo's past to show piece by piece how he today. Another part about the book that i loved is how the author used the different pictures to show his point as pictures are worth a thousand words and can often show things in a way words can not.Personally i loved the book Hugo Caberet and had a hard time putting it down. I'd easily recomend it to any book lover

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