The Crossover by Kwame Alexander | Teen Ink

The Crossover by Kwame Alexander

September 14, 2017
By Mickey_Mouse BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
Mickey_Mouse BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Josh bell aka “Filthy Mcnasty” is the main character, other main characters are jordan bell aka jb, and chuck bell,(da man). This story takes place at reggie Lewis Middle School. Chuck bell there dad has hypertension and it gets real bad. Crystal bell there mom is the school assistant principal, this means she will know everything that the twins do bad.

Later on in the story Jb and Josh meets mr. Sweet Tea, and they both fight over her. Josh gets in some serious trouble, serious enough that he gets suspended from the basketball team. Josh does something terrible that makes Jb goes into the hospital. Chuck Bell doesn’t listen to anybody saying that he needs to slow down on the sugar, and get checked out.


I liked this book it was really entertaining.I say this because i don’t really enjoy basketball so it makes my opinion about basketball boring. This was an easy book to read. My favorite part of the book is when josh bell gets his nickname, i like this part because it becomes a meaningful name to him. The Author style of writing is great. I love when he uses different fonts to express different feelings and names .


Yes i would totally recommend this book, i would give it a 5/5 rating. This book is amazing i would read it constantly if i had the book. This book is great, and you should go check it your yourself!

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