Trance by Linda Gerber | Teen Ink

Trance by Linda Gerber

June 5, 2017
By Mckinley_B BRONZE, Vauxhall, Alberta
Mckinley_B BRONZE, Vauxhall, Alberta
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Every moment matters

Ashley Greenfield is seemingly just a normal teenage girl. She looks normal, talks normal, acts normal, but her and her sister have a secret. Since the time they could walk they have been having these so called 'trances'. THey fall into a state where they have visions and write odd numbers. They have tried everything to make them stop but they have never suceeded When the girls have the visions what they see is the future, They death of omeone they love. After ashlyns mom dies her sister leaves and ashleys visions stop. That is until she sees a vision of her crush. As she grows closer to her crush she sees more and more of the vision. Then the night that it is supposed to happen she trys to stop him. Her and her two friends go racing towards where it was supposed to happed and they are greated by a 10 car pile up.


I would rate this book a 3/5 the beggining got a liitle bit dry but as the book neared the end the excitment picked up. This book would be a book I'd reccomend to people a little bit younger than me. Overall the book was pretty good though. Compared to other books I had read by the author this one was one of her best.


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