uncertainly | Teen Ink


March 14, 2017
By samuelramirez123 BRONZE, Phoenix AZ 85021, Arizona
samuelramirez123 BRONZE, Phoenix AZ 85021, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I can relate with Molly on facing the problem with anxiety. I can agree with the quote "social anxiety has interfeared with my life". The details listed on the article are some of the same thoughts I have. For example, performing in front of a class somedays I'll be fine in doing so and some I will be very nervous about. I believe that sometimes these nervous feeling is just mind tricks. With practice you can get rid of the anxiety feelings. Thats why I feel like I don't have social anxiety, but the feeling categories in anxiety are just in human nature. Thank you Molly for this article because it makes me more aware about anxeity. 

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