The House of Hades by Rick Riordan | Teen Ink

The House of Hades by Rick Riordan

January 24, 2017
By JuliaJarvi SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
JuliaJarvi SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
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Feelings, something experienced throughout The House of Hades. The only thing with that was, they weren't the feelings I planned on feeling. I felt: surprised, angry, sad, and happy. They were just portrayed in a different way than I expected. The book The House of Hades is a action filled book with a amusing storyline to follow along with. It is the fourth book in the Heros of Olympus series. This book wasn’t my favorite book in the entire series, but the book did bring many tears, smiles, and plenty of laughter. Sadly, I was disappointed when I finished the book. It happened to jump around a lot and it was easy to get lost throughout the story. Even though the story jumped around I still enjoyed the book.


The main characters, Annabeth and Percy, are my favorite characters in this book. While following along on their journey was in my opinion, the most preferred section of this book to read. When it was one of their point of views, I always got so thrilled to read that chapter. They were so well organized and there wasn’t one thing that occurred twice. It all flowed so well together that I could look forward to anything I was reading. On the other hand of that was their friends traveling on the Argo II. The team is searching for the two of them, but sadly, I didn’t enjoy their journey as much as I enjoyed reading Percy and Annabeth’s. I adore both Percy and Annabeth, they are both unique characters, as well as the characters on board the Argo II. I just didn’t connect well with the personality they were given. A prime example is a character named Jason Grace. Now, I like Jason, he just thinks he has to protect everyone he meets. He wants to be the hero in every situation and it became a little much. I did really enjoy reading about the other characters in the story. I just can’t wrap my mind around the way they act toward others.

While I was reading, my thoughts on the book changed throughout the entire thing. One thought that stuck with me throughout my whole read was being constantly surprised by the events occurring. What really made me surprised while reading was how many twists were in this book. One thing would happen which would lead into the next and it all would escalate so quickly. I love having that feeling while reading, it can build the book some good character. With that, my other thought was that I wasn’t really into this book as I was with the other three before it. When it was a point of view from someone on the Argo II, the book seemed to slow down and take forever for the chapter to finish. Putting in characters that weren’t as enjoyable to read about made the book something I couldn’t enjoy as much as I wanted it to.

Even though I wasn’t as excited while reading this book, I did think the ending was portrayed in a great manner. The outcome of all the characters was interesting, from Percy and Annabeth, the Argo II, and even Reyna, another character who is a part of the crew's journey now. The ending had action, sadness, happiness, and anger. All the characters have a different path to take, but in the end they hopefully all come back together. With that, I’m super excited to read the next book in the Heros of Olympus series but I’m scared of what’s to come.
This book did end up leaving me disappointed in the end but it was an exciting journey to experience. Always being surprised when least expected and just being completely happy with the ending. This wasn’t my favorite book to read, but I do think everyone who enjoys the action filled books should read this. I think most fiction readers would really enjoy these children of the gods story, and everything they go through to get their parents approval. This is a great book for people who enjoy where there is mostly action, but if you’re not a fan of books that jump around too much, this isn’t the book to read. I had so many emotions while reading this book including: sadness, happiness, and cheerfulness. If you feel that when just finishing a book, then it had to have been a good one.

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