Harry Potter and the Cursed Child by J.K. Rowling | Teen Ink

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child by J.K. Rowling

November 7, 2016
By Paradis BRONZE, Sandy, Utah
Paradis BRONZE, Sandy, Utah
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The pages of J.K. Rowling’s play, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, are intriguing and a great continuation of her other books. Like many others, I was eagerly awaiting the release of Rowling’s new play. There were a lot of expectations riding on this script as it would be considered the 8th installment of an amazing series.

Rowling’s first book was released almost 15 years ago and the final book was released 9 years ago. There sadly wasn’t much information on what happened to each of the characters after the last book.Tons of fanfiction has been written about what happened after The Battle of Hogwarts, but it was all speculation up until now. The Cursed Child opens up a whole new world of possibilities and adds to many character’s personalities.

I bought the book right as it came out this summer but had been putting it off until just recently. I had no idea what to expect. As I started reading, I didn’t like what mindset Albus (Harry and Ginny’s son) was in. I had to keep reading and I started to get more pulled in. I was concerned that it is in the format of a play, but the stage notes made it more interesting to read and visualize.

While very different from the other books and written with help from John Tiffany and Jack Thorne, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child is an incredible story. It is full of twists and turns and I was on the edge of my seat most of the time. I would, though, urge you to read the other 7 Harry Potter books before you start reading this one. I wholeheartedly recommend Harry Potter and the Cursed Child to anyone who loves incredible adventure and wonderful fantasy. Let yourself be pulled back into the magical world of Harry Potter.


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