The City of Embers | Teen Ink

The City of Embers

March 16, 2009
By Anonymous

The book, The City of Embers is about two kids. Linda Mayfleet, and Doon Harrow. They go on an adventure to get out of Ember. The city is past its expiration date. If they don't get out, they will die. They discover a room that has all the things city needs.

The conflict of the story is that the mayor is a cheapskate. He is hogging all the stuff to himself. Doon finds him and tells Linda that they have to get out. With Linda's little sister, they go on an adventure to get out of Ember before it is too late.

My favorite character is Linda. She is my favorite because she has a sense of leadership. My least favorite is the mayor. I can't believe he would do that.

I recommend it to kids who love adventure. I give it 4 stars and a B+.

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