Champion by Marie Lu | Teen Ink

Champion by Marie Lu

April 17, 2016
By Michael0900 BRONZE, Philadelphia , Pennsylvania
Michael0900 BRONZE, Philadelphia , Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Champion, the final book in Marie Lu’s Legend trilogy, is the story of Day’s and June’s last adventure, but this time it is to help the Republic. They have to find a way to slow the Colonies down so they do not destroy their home land. At the end there's a twist in their love life that takes ten years to fix itself.

This story is like no other. Instead of giving one perspective Marie Lu spices it up by using alternating perspectives of Day and June of the same event. Through June's experiences we see the disfunction of the upper class. This is evident when the higher class learns too much about the workings of the Republic. June's brother, Metias is killed just like June's mother and father. Through Day’s eyes we see the transformation of the lower class not having any power to gaining almost all the power. This is shown every time Day threatens the highest official in the Republic with turning the people against him.

Champion is an action filled, suspense story with a hint of mystery. The action of Day and June doing crazy things like Day jumping out of an exploding building and climbing down the side creates a sense of danger. The hint of mystery is knowing who is the key to creating a cure for the plague. I would recommend this book if you are looking for a good novel with action and mystery.


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