Scratch Beginnings | Teen Ink

Scratch Beginnings

February 9, 2009
By Michael Hardesty BRONZE, Plano, Texas
Michael Hardesty BRONZE, Plano, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Scratch Beginnings is essentially a story about the pursuit of the American Dream. The author walks the reader through his path from broke to domestic bliss. The situation is simple; nothing but the clothes on your back and 25 dollars in your pocket. It is interesting book that provides insight into what America is really about. This is more of a novel concerning the American culture and economy than it is just about this one man?s journey. Shepard?s struggles serve as a microcosm for the common American citizen and the drag of everyday life. At times the book can be disturbing and at times it can be motivating. After reading this novel I felt as sense of self, like I knew what I wanted to do with my life and I wanted to do it now. I must say that I did not thoroughly enjoy the author?s writing style, but it did not distract me from the point of the book. This book just has an energy about it that compels you to get up and act. I would recommend this read to those that aren?t sure what they want in life; for those that lack the motivation to take charge of your life.


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