Freakonomics | Teen Ink


February 10, 2009
By Adem Shemo BRONZE, Plano, Texas
Adem Shemo BRONZE, Plano, Texas
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Freakonomics Book Review
Freakonomics is one of those books that generate people to talk for all the sort reasons. It's well-written, extremely interesting and very inspiring. In this case the best-seller status and the countless praises are a sufficient reflection of the quality of the book rather than the result of publicity. With journalist Stephen Dubner as co-author, the book explores some of the surprising outcomes of Levitt's work, from crime and social policy to race and real estate agents. Freakonomics is a truly amazing book even if it is a one odd at times because it states strange topics, topics that make you think of things we never come to think of for example our teachers cheating for us on tests and also are the Ku Klux Klan like a group of real estate agents. This book doesn't have a particular style of sort it just states the truth and if people like to here the truth people should read it and yet it is why the book is labeled in the nonfiction category because it states the truth. I think this book is accessible to all readers, just because the reason that it's a nonfiction book.
The work's arguments are set up by them thinking of the topic and them trying to solve it. They take information for one thing and expand it to a bigger and much larger topic, for instance the teachers cheating for there students on tests. They took on peace of information and then compared it to the tests that they gave them and found out that they were in fact cheating for them just because teachers get paid more money if they get a higher grade point average then the other teachers. The main idea of this work is to make peoples minds think and imagine more. The thing that makes this book so ground breaking is that it's the first book that ever came outwith such strange but surreal topics that could make people think 'Is that really happening in life and if it is how can I fix it.'
Steven D. Levitt the author of Freakonomics is a prominent American economist best known for his work on crime, one in particular is between legalized abortion and crime rates. Levitt was winner of the 2003 John Bates Clark Medal, and is currently the William B. Ogden Distinguished Service Professor of Economics at the University of Chicago, the director of the Becker Center on Chicago Price Theory at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, and co-editor of the Journal of Political Economy published by the University of Chicago Press. He is one of the most well known economists amongst everyone else. Levitt was chosen as one of Time Magazine's 'Top100 People Who Shape Our World" in 2006, and also Levitt won the New York Times Bestseller Award for the book Freakonomics.
Finally I think that Freakonomics was a very strange book. It states very odd topics and is also very easy to read. This book didn't have many major themes but it was very effective in which we can't even imagine. It proved to us that our teacher cheat for us on our test just because they get paid more if there grade average is higher then other teachers and how sumo wrestler cheat for the person there playing just because if you get a ranking in the 50 percentile or higher they get paid more. When I started reading the book, I had trouble putting it down. The writing was excellent and the content appealing. I found myself interested in what school teachers and sumo wrestlers have in common and amazed at how much importance that answer had to my life.

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