<i>The Girl on the Train</i> by Paula Hawkins | Teen Ink

The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins MAG

July 28, 2015
By PenandPencil BRONZE, Mason, Ohio
PenandPencil BRONZE, Mason, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins is about a “girl” (more like a young adult) named Rachel who takes the same train every day. She enjoys the ride because of her love for the soft engine grumble and observing the daily scenery around her, such as a couple breakfasting on their deck. However, this harmony ends one day when the unexpected happens. This novel became a best-seller; however, its popularity may be due in part to the success of Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn, which prompted mainstream demand for these kinds of stories.

But is it worth the read? Well, I created a simple pro/con list to find out.

Quenches your thirst for cryptic modern thrillers

Has a unique and well-played writing style

Many potential story plots

New insights on different personalities (you go into the mind of characters that you’re not used to)

Slightly predictable ending

Some disappointing characters (little diversity in personality)

Lots of enemies (you won’t like a lot of the characters)

So, is The Girl on the Train worth the read? Well, it depends, despite my patronizing cons. Hawkins did a great job creating a vivid storyline and offers a rich learning experience for her readers. With a movie in the future, it’s a wild-card book for teenagers because it won’t be for everyone. Nevertheless, it is different, and if you’re ever in the mood for something new, then go for it!

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on Aug. 12 2015 at 3:08 pm
SomeoneMagical PLATINUM, Durham, New Hampshire
22 articles 1 photo 259 comments
Great review. Although I have never read the book, I enjoyed your review. Anyone who's trying to figure out if they're going to read based on old fashioned pros and cons will enjoy this...it would be handy to have this for other reviews as well. Great job, happy writing!